
Showing posts from January, 2024

Chronic Pain Chronicles: Balancing the Equation of Functional and Organic Pains

W ritten by Keerthi Aithal, Psychologist, +919980476255 Read time 5 minutes              A 32-year-old woman visited multiple doctors seeking relief from chronic headaches and fatigue. Despite undergoing various medical consultations and multiple tests, she was consistently told that everything was normal. Her symptoms persisted, leading to increased frustration. Eventually, she was referred to a psychiatrist. Reluctantly, she revealed that her discomfort intensified amidst marital discord. The diagnosis indicated a somatoform disorder, recognizing the psychosomatic nature of her ailments. Through therapy with a psychologist to address underlying marital issues and a personalized medication plan, she experienced significant improvement. Learning coping mechanisms and communication skills helped alleviate the headaches and fatigue. This case underscores the intricate interplay between mental health, relationships, and physical well-being, taking into account cultural nuances.  

Silent Struggles: Unraveling the Complex Web of Depression

Written by Dr. Arun Bhat P., Consultant Psychiatrist Read time - 5 minutes   "Doctor! She's not eating or sleeping properly," said the husband, describing his 52-year-old wife. Her face had lost its radiance, eyes were dull but teary, and sorrow filled her demeanor. The husband explained, "Our only son passed away in an accident two months ago. Since then, my wife has been in this state. She constantly cries, blaming herself for our son's death, saying she deserves to suffer in hell." She neglects personal hygiene, avoids conversation, isolates herself, shows no interest in anything, and recently even attempted suicide. That's why I brought her here. The woman, as mentioned above, is suffering from depression. Depression as described in the above scenario is not only caused by external factors but at times by internal factors. Symptoms and severity vary widely. External factors may include loss of loved one & grief, social pressure, family tension, f