
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Puppeteer's Play: Overcoming Gaslighting & Empowerment by recognizing the signs & tactics

W ritten by Keerthi Aithal, Psychologist, +919980476255  Read time 10 minutes                                            G aslighting is a form of manipulation were the gaslighter (person who is manipulating) psychologically manipulates the victim/target individual to the point were the person starts to doubt his/her own reality, perceptions of the world, & sanity.                        It makes one doubt self, his/her perceptions, experiences, thoughts, feelings, or memories, which leads to the loss of confidence & self-worth, emotional dysregulation, dependency on the gaslighter; taking a toll on one’s mental health.                       Gaslighting can happen in any relationship; be it romantic, friends, colleagues, family/relatives. The motive of the Gaslighter is to attain power over their victim, which they do so by emotionally, physically or financially controlling their victim.                    The term Gaslighting comes from the 1938 stage play “Gaslight” f