
Showing posts from December, 2023

From Tears to Triumph: Unraveling the Complexity of Children's Phobia

W ritten by Keerthi Aithal, Psychologist, +919980476255  Read time 5 minutes                                     Children can develop fears that are so irrational, persistent, or intense that they are focused on a wide range of objects or situations. Exposure to these stimuli almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response. The phobic stimulus or situation is either avoided or endured wit dread, interfering with normal routines and activities for at least 6 months. The intense fear or discomfort around the feared object or situation can culminate in panic attacks. Symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, fear of losing control, and a racing heartbeat. Symptoms can last several hours or might persist for less than 10 minutes. Children often express their discomfort by crying, throwing tantrums, freezing, clinging, trembling, or sweating. Common phobias can be categorized into: Animal/Insect Phobias (dogs, spiders, snakes, bugs, etc.) Phobias of

Wet Sheets & Silent Struggles: Navigating the Terrain of Nocturnal Enuresis

W ritten by Keerthi Aithal, Psychologist, +919980476255  Read time 5 minutes                             (Credits: Bedwetting, also known as Nocturnal Enuresis, is a common problem seen in children characterized by the involuntary voiding of urine during the day and/or at night. Bedwetting is not a consequence of any underlying medical conditions such as a lack of bladder control due to any neurological disorder, epileptic attacks, or any structural abnormality of the urinary tract (a urinary tract blockage or narrow urethra, a small bladder), hormonal imbalance (under secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) which slows down how much urine is made during the night), ongoing constipation (the muscle involved in passing urine & stools may not work well), obstructive sleep apnea, transient enuresis as a result of cystitis, or polyuria (as from diabetes), all of which have to be ruled out before diag

Are we evolving or devolving?

Written by Dr. Arun Bhat P., Consultant Psychiatrist Read time - 5 minutes   Over the past three decades, we've witnessed an unprecedented surge in technological advancements. Do you recall the charming era when families gathered to enjoy a weekly movie, creating lasting memories? Fast forward to today, where technological progress and the rise of social media, accelerated further by the recent challenges of the COVID pandemic, have reshaped our lives. The ubiquity of mobile devices has significantly altered the cognitive landscape of the current generation. Social skills and attention spans are undergoing transformation due to increased reliance on virtual interactions. In this digital age, self-esteem often hinges on the approval garnered from online posts, a shift away from real-life connections. The quest for attention in a crowded digital space has given rise to clickbait culture, where content creators prioriti