Are we evolving or devolving?

Written by Dr. Arun Bhat P., Consultant Psychiatrist
Read time - 5 minutes


Over the past three decades, we've witnessed an unprecedented surge in technological advancements. Do you recall the charming era when families gathered to enjoy a weekly movie, creating lasting memories? Fast forward to today, where technological progress and the rise of social media, accelerated further by the recent challenges of the COVID pandemic, have reshaped our lives.

The ubiquity of mobile devices has significantly altered the cognitive landscape of the current generation. Social skills and attention spans are undergoing transformation due to increased reliance on virtual interactions. In this digital age, self-esteem often hinges on the approval garnered from online posts, a shift away from real-life connections.

The quest for attention in a crowded digital space has given rise to clickbait culture, where content creators prioritize flashy and attention-grabbing elements over substance. Sadly, the pursuit of views and likes has led to a preference for content that requires minimal cognitive engagement, instant dopamine kick—a stark departure from the richness of real-life interactions.

Consider the phenomenon of the "Skibidi toilet," a prime example of mindless content that has amassed an astonishing 36 million subscribers and 13 billion views in just 10 months. This trend raises concerns about the impact on the attention spans of viewers, particularly the younger generation.

In this relentless race for content creation, attention spans are dwindling. Instagram posts are meticulously crafted to fit within 90 seconds, while YouTube videos exceeding 10 minutes face challenges in attracting viewership. The rise of accelerated playback(1.5x) further underscores society's impatience with longer, more thought-provoking content.

As younger individuals become increasingly mobile, activities that demand sustained attention, such as creating art, reading novels, or cultivating bonsai, are at risk of becoming rare pursuits. This prompts us to reflect on the broader question: as technology and artificial intelligence evolve, are we inadvertently devolving as humans?

Let's ponder together on the trajectory of our societal evolution, considering the delicate balance between technological progress and preserving the essence of what makes us truly human.


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